Level: elementary
to develop pupils’ speaking skills on familiar grammar
and vocabulary;
to encourage pupils to make personal response;
to develop pupils’ skills to work in pairs and groups;
to develop creative thinking and imagination;
Equipment: handouts,
pictures of the seasons
T: Hello, dear children. How are you today?
Ps: We are OK, thank you.
T: I’m glad to hear that because today we are having
guests at our lesson. So, children, get ready. (The teacher opens the door and
senior pupils dressed as a Year and four seasons come into the classroom.) You
are welcome!
Mr. Year: Hello, dear children. I’m glad to see you. Can you guess
who I am. You
can read it.
Ps: You are a Year.
Mr. Year: You are right. I’m a Year and today we’ll
play a lot of games, and do other interesting
activities. Let’s start. So, how many months do I have?
Ps: Twelve.
Mr. Year: Well done. Can you name them? Everybody, tell
one month and then write it on the card:
(Mr. Year gives the children cards and felt pens. Everybody writes the
month he or she named. Then they put the cards with the months on the desk or
the floor.)
P1: January.
P2: February.
P3: March.
P4: April.
P5: May.
P6: June.
P7: July.
P8: August.
P9: September.
P10: October.
P11: November.
P12: December.
Mr. Year: Very nice. You are very clever. And now meet
my four assistants. I’m sure, you know them. (Four children dressed as the
seasons of the year come into the classroom)
Let’s greet them! (The pupils clap.)Great! And now, please, name them.
P1: Spring.
P2: Summer.
P3: Winter.
P4: Autumn.
Mr. Year: OK. And now, please, write their names.
Everybody writes one letter. You already have one of the letters. (The pupils
are given the cards with one letter written, it can be any letter. Every pupil
writes one letter and passes the card to the other pupil. Mr. Year and the
teacher help.)
Mr. Year: Very nice! Now let’s pin these words on our
seasons. (The pupils take cards and pin them on the senior pupils who are the
seasons. Mr. Year helps.)
Mr. Year: Great! Well, let’s go on. What season is it
Ps: It’s winter.
Mr. Year: OK. Let’s begin with winter. Please, Winter,
you are welcome.
Winter: I’m the season when everything’s white,
And the snowflakes sparkle bright.
I’m the season when you can ski,
Or simply sledge down the hill.
Hello, children. I’m winter. It’s my time now.
I’m glad to be here with you.
Ps: Hello, we are glad, too.
Winter: OK. Come here and choose my months, please.
(Winter invites three pupils to choose the winter months.) That’s right, now
you are my team.
1. A GAME “Snowballs”
Winter: And now let’s play the winter game
“Snowballs”. Do you know how to play it? No? Then, listen! You’ll make a
snowball from words. The snowball must be about winter weather. The first pupil
tells one word about the weather in winter, the other pupil repeats this word
and tells a new one, the third pupil repeats the first two words and adds one more
and so on. Let’s make a very big snowball. Ok?
P1: Cold.
P2: Cold and frosty.
P3: Cold, frosty and snowy.
P4: Cold, frosty, snowy and slippery.
P5, P6, ….
Winter: Nice! I like your snowball!
Winter: Are you good detectives? Can you find things
quickly? Let’s see who is the best detective. (The pupils are given cards.) You
must find 10 words about winter. The pair that does it the first is the winner.
(spring, cold, winter,
hot, warm, autumn, slippery, summer, sky, sunny)
T: Children, I think it’s time to do some exercises.
Let’s play our marching game, and chant the months. (The children stand in a
line, one after another, like a train, and then they march between the rows of
desks chanting the names of the months.)
I’m the season when the sun melts the snow,
And green grass starts to
This is the
season when snowdrops bloom,
When nobody
likes to stay in the room.
Hello, children!
Ps: Hello. We like
Spring: Can you, please,
choose my months?
(Three pupils take the names of
the spring months and read them.)
Spring: Thank you. You are my team.
Spring: Look at the board, everybody! I have a
problem. I have a telegram but some letters are missing. Can you help me?
Ps: Yes. (Pupils go to the board and write the missing
letters in the words).
Hello, Lady
Spr..n...It’s w..rm now. The sk.. is blue. It is su..n... The tr…s are gr…n.
The flo..ers are r..d,..el..ow, and bl..e.
Lady Spring: Thank you very much. You are
so clever. You worked hard so now let’s relax and play a game.
5. A GAME “Lady Spring”
Spring: Stand in a line in front of me. You must make
up sentences about spring. Each sentence is one step to me. But before telling
your sentence you must ask me:
“Lady Spring, may I
speak?” The winner is the pupil who comes to me first.
Summer: I’m the best season for you
It’s time for fun and
You don’t go to school
You just splash in the pool
Hello, everybody!
Ps: Hello, you are the best season.
Summer: I’m glad to hear that. I’m the best, so we
are going to have fun together. I’ll show you what I usually do and you’ll
guess. OK?
Ps: OK.
(Summer mimes
different activities, e.g. swimming, playing football, tennis, and the pupils
Summer: Oh, I have forgotten. Will you choose my
months, please? Thank you, you are my team. Take your seats now.
Autumn: I’m the season when the sky is grey,
The sun isn’t warm, and it
sometimes rain.
I’m the season of vegetables and
And it’s time for you to go to
It’s the season when birds fly
And the children don’t have time
to play.
Autumn: Hello, my little friends. Please, take my
months. Thanks a lot. Do you like to play? OK. Let’s play and we’ll see what
season is the best.
Autumn: I have a massage for you. And each season
team must write it. But first choose in your groups a “runner”, a “messager”, a
secretary and a reporter. A runner runs to the table reads the message and then
runs back to tell a messager. He can read the message sentence by sentence and
he can run to the table as many times as he needs. The messager dictates the
message to the secretary and he writes it down. When the message is ready a
reporter reads it. The winner is the team that reads the message first.
(A message: It is
autumn. It is November. The weather is cold. It often rains. The sky is grey.
There are no leaves in the trees. People wear coats and hats.)
8. A SONG.
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
And winter is white.
T: And now we’ll make a little project about seasons.
Each season team will make a project about its season. (The groups are given
prepared big sheets of paper with some prompts. See an example below.)You must
read the words on your papers and draw the pictutes, just how you imagine them.
Then we’ll have a presentation, your small stories about the seasons.
T: I see you are ready. Please, make your
presentations. (Example of the presentation: Spring is green. It is warm and
sunny. The trees are green. The flowers are red, yellow, and blue. Children
play outside)
(Groups come in
front of the classroom and present their projects, others clap)
T: Thank you very much! Your pictures are great! Let’s
make an exhibition here.
(Pupils may stick
their projects on the wall.)
IV. SUMMING UP. Home assignment.
T:Thank you, everybody. Thank you, my dear seasons and
Mr. Year, for your help. Dear children, I hope you enjoyed the lesson. You
worked hard and deserve only good marks. Your home assignment is to write a
story about your favourite season.